Tuesday, February 8, 2011

100 Oldest Webpages

100 oldest webpages that are still around on internet. Some are shut down. They date back to 1985. It has been around 26 years now. I guess it feels amazing to be owner of a site that old. Just a quick share.


Arek SaƂata said...

Sad thing is that symbolics.com doesn't look very proudly now.

Christian said...

Interesting list. Surprised to see a few up there.

Coilis said...

The greatest thing is is that newsgroups will always be around and never have to worry about a UI.

EPIC NEWS said...

so awesome haaha

bill said...

love your blog, keep it up

ohjahhh said...

the internet has many things we would never know.......

Futile Phenom said...

neat to think about how long this stuff has been around. almost as old as me

Andrew said...

i thought the internet was older than that

Linksss said...

there is a site where u can look at websites, as they were, in the past its pretty cool and I wish i knew the link but Im sure you could do a simple search on google to find it.

UFO Today (bryon) said...

haha, funny stuff. cool blog.

rickysha said...

Look at how far we've come.

Glaucon said...


Roteezy said...

lol wow thats pretty interesting ive always wondered what the oldest sites were

EPIC NEWS said...

more like this please :D?

Glaucon said...

I feel old

rogge said...

pretty cool

murz90 said...

Wow, i didn't know that there are still so old websites.

Mikas said...

Wow, people could register domain names in 1985 :O

Anonymous said...

Pretty cool list!

MynameisEarl said...

Lol, didn't know websites like these still existed. Pretty awesome find!
