Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Cure for HIV has been found. A study has been carried out and proven to work.

Last week, Time named another AIDS-related discovery to its list of the Top 10 Medical Breakthroughs of 2010. Recent studies show that healthy individuals who take antiretrovirals, medicine commonly prescribed for treating HIV, can reduce their risk of contracting the disease by up to 73 percent.


John Williams said...

Very optimistic, hope to see this developed soon.

murz90 said...

That's a good news. I hope that they will make it 100% effective.

Obi-wan Mikenobi said...

Pfft, Aids is so 1990's. It's all about cancer now :P

Chris C. said...

Not too sure why they mention the word 'cure' in the article so much, it's technically a preventive measure.

But good news non-the-less.

x85b said...

I already can hear "...but you can't have it" like the cure for cancer.

Though this might actually work.

LiveTheBoss said...

Saying that AIDS is cured is a touch overstated. Still, the closer we can get to eradicating the disease, the better it will be for mankind.

Yam Ata said...

This is pretty cool, now where's the cure? lol!

Linksss said...

if this were true, wouldnt it be much bigger news and I would have heard about it?

ScottD said...

sounds more like a vaccine and not a cure

Gar Daniels said...

Wooo! Anonymous sex... here i come

MrKnife333 said...

Wow this is pretty cool, following.

Fang said...

Cures, or rather measures that make you more defensive against it, for cancer have also been around fairly long now. Lots of natural products tend to reduce the possibility of getting cancer.

Ciriis said...

Finally a break through in this disease... Im sure this will become a standard medication in the Africas if its proven to bee effective.

metalpark_73189 said...

Hmmmm nice find my friend!

OLearris said...

The government finally let the secret out XD

D. said...

No way man, just no way

Glaucon said...

Um.. what?

The Wired said...

Great blog, and yea like the above poster said aids is out.. the new 'thing' is cancer... Yellow wrist bands have made it a fashion statement.. Maybe in the 2020's the new thing will be gonerhea.. (sic)

TobytheMcGuire said...

Hopefully it'll really work!

Anonymous said...

prevention is also an easier way to reduce the risk, rather than waiting till you have the disease before acting. Good news nonetheless.

Scott said...

Have to agree with the above, not quite a cure (great headline though :P). Let's not allow that to bog us down, this is great progress nonetheless!!!

thatguy said...

Mreh. Preventative is good. Now lets look for an ACTUAL CURE for it rather than just preventative, although that most certainly helps the world along.

mtn said...

Wow would be awesome if they could get it up to 100% .. really impressive

tracirz said...

My dad has HIV/AIDS... I wish stuff like this would become mainstream so they would be offered to him. =/

Also, what a great idea for a blog! So many people are, like, oblivious about how to use Google. =P

obi said...

drug companies... phhh
cool blog following ;)

LifeHacks said...

Just as long as they can profit from it bro!

Erasmus said...

As other have said, not exactly a cure...but definitely progress. If they could vaccinate people against every STD, this world would be a much more...fun place. ;)

Unholy Prophet said...

Looks very promising, But the ones who will need it most won't be able to afford it most likely.

Anonymous said...

This does seem pretty optimistic. I'd love for it to be true though.

Snuggs said...

Great find, until Super AIDS emerge!