Saturday, February 5, 2011

Unusual Stuff on Wikipedia

Well, many of us use wikipedia for pure information and knowledge. But there is also other option - entertainment. You wont believe it but there are so many funny, cool, unusual things on wiki that it will blow your mind. Ranging from mountain with 200feet big rabbit to completely useless computer games that take 7hours of plain driving in desert with no action whatsoever. And the best thing is - wikipedia has listed all them up. Those articles are categorized in a single page. And there are hundreds of links to different things. CHECK IT OUT !


rjimmy said...

I use wikipedia way to much haha

trippinkets said...

yupp i end up just browing through it and getting carried away all the time

RP said...

good we will be seeing wikipedias full potential for making us waste time in reading weird facts

Unholy Prophet said...

Same here. Despite that its not 100% acurate usauly. =o

Adamski said...

and wikipedia continues to be my favorite site ever. lol

Anonymous said...

Lol wikipedia is awesome!

ZeroFearIzDope said...

wikipedia is the absolute best thing everr

RunningMan32 said...

I used to just chill on wikipedia 24/7

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia is like a utopia for college research.

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia is like a utopia for college research.

ComicRelief said...

Lol I can spend hours just clicking through Wikipedia!

Julius said...

wikipedia the best source for homework :D

Glaucon said...

Wiki rocks :)

Coilis said...

I like individual Wiki's not the whole wikipedia though D:

Shockwave said...

Wiki helped me so much with coursework! :D

TJam said...

Oh wow there's a ton of them! Thanks for the post, quite interesting.

Dudemeister said...

Every term paper I've ever written was 80-90% disguised wikipedia information.

Fang said...

How nice of Wikipedia to link to them all on one page. They should make an article about that page.?

x85b said...

Nice find! I didn't know wikipedia had this.

rego87 said...

I can spend hours just reading random stuff on wikipedia. Its amazing to think of how much I've learnt from that resource alone!

rickysha said...

Yeah sometimes I just read random Wiki articles. I usually do one or two a day. So much to learn...

Candlej- said...

tentacle erotica, how is that even popular?

YouKnowMe said...

Well why would it have a "random page" option if it wasn't for random things?

Wikipedia is pretty cool.
Just hope they are right with most of their stuff.

pv said...

lol ima spend my time reading these

Tom's Life Strategies said...

Lol so nice they reserve their own pages for something like this! Think Im gonna be busy reading for the next half hour..